"I write because I love to tell stories and share them with readers" – that's it exactly 👆🙌

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I like to write to make an impact even it may be a small one.

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Thank you for sharing, Evelyn! This is interesting. I haven't heard of this book before and now I need to add it to my library. :) I've recognized some of these in my own study and reading, but a few are new ideas. And I love thinking about the theory behind stories and story creation!

For me, I love to write because I get to explore an idea, a motivation, or a world that I don't have access to (whether real or make believe). And I also get a lot of joy out of taking a perceived rule and playing with it, turning it upside down, or throwing it out the window completely. I like to be surprised as a reader and, as a writer I hope to surprise my readers. In a pleasant way of course. :)

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Well said! Sometimes it does feel like the publishing industry is against what you're writing and what you want to read, but I know all I can really do about it is work on my craft and hope for the best. We'll all get there eventually.

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I have noticed these themes in books. I think the code works best when the author creates a main character that's interesting or relatable. If you despise the main character as time goes on your less likely to finish the book/series.

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Mar 29Liked by Evelyn Skye

Thank you! The "code" can work or it can't. I think it depends on the story and the reader.

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Since the insights in the Bestseller Code are mostly general, they will probably have value for some time. But figuring out what specifics are involved, as you point out, is a far different thing. When we try to chase the current trend, we run the risk of arriving too late or of becoming one of many who successfully beat the trend to death.

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I love how you share your insights, Evelyn - red carpet or ciphers thank you!

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They could’ve spared their research and simply read ‘Save the Cat’. But then, they wouldn’t have a reason to write a book. 🤣

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Mar 28Liked by Evelyn Skye

I'm interested to read this book now. I agree that it's probably not best to write strictly to the formula, but I'm fascinated by what makes a particular book hugely popular. (On a completely different note, your article got me thinking of note-taking on craft books. Do you take digital notes? Annotate the books? I'm always curious about the process of other writers!)

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Mar 28Liked by Evelyn Skye

What a great article. Thank you. I think I have put some of this "code" unintentionally. I want to write great stories, be able to express myself, and connect with readers. Writing with the goal of it being a bestseller is not my intention. I think it would take the joy out of the writing. I can't predict the outcome of how it will be received. I can only do my best to write a really good story.

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